Friday, May 11, 2012

A recipe for a successful leader

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

A recipe for a successful leader

A core promise: Leaders go with or ahead of so as to show the way, to guide. Leaders are responsible and show accountability. A leader is not afraid to answer. Harmony is necessary to bridge gaps between unity and comfort. It produces a coming together. Leaders have the ability to connect by bringing others together colleagues, family and friends, connecting makes you feel apart of something and others.

A leader is sterling conforming to the highest standards. A sense of quality in the work produces and shared with others. Leaders have passion, true caring about other professionals and desire to motivate one another. Respect is an esteem and admiration granted to someone worthy of high regard; consideration given to others. Leaders take ownership and accept responsibilities and are committed to the task.

Morale is important to the teams, there is need of well-being a mutual sense of positive interaction between one another. One of the most important characteristics of a leader is integrity to do the right thing even when no one is watching. Leaders have skills a high degree of training or knowledge within a particular realm, professionalism. Leaders empower grant the authority to make decisions and control one's own destiny.
These core values are the recipe for successful leadership. 

Thanks for stopping by join the business leader page 

Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Inspiring others 
Terri Pattio-Mentoring Heart


  1. Excellent article Carolyn - congratulations for another BlogBuster!
    If you like to challenge the leadership way you might like this page too ...

    On Leadership
    Don't Forget who you are ... otherwise you are going to change into somebody else

  2. Thank your very much. GetExcellence I like that name.
