The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.
Tony Robbins
Quality, I imagine a line that is numbered from one to ten along this line lays a star quality this line tilts depending on communication styles. An understanding of quality will help balance the line. The distinctive characteristic needed to increase ones star quality includes a level of excellence we must achieve.
Tony Robbins
Quality, I imagine a line that is numbered from one to ten along this line lays a star quality this line tilts depending on communication styles. An understanding of quality will help balance the line. The distinctive characteristic needed to increase ones star quality includes a level of excellence we must achieve.
A star quality begins with an examination of whom we are and why we exist. Many of us have difficulty with self-examination. What we remember is what others have said our star quality is or should be. Today I challenge you to stretch your imagination. Where do you see yourselves in five to ten years? Sit back and travel a journey with me.
Louise Suggs one of the first stars of female golf she played golf in 1923. On January 8th she wins the LPGA LA Golf Open. Now imagine in 1923 a little girl tells her parents, “I want to play golf.” In 1923 women were to marry have children and stay home. The wealthy during this time expected their children to become doctors and/or lawyers not a golfer. Louise Suggs had a star quality. She imagined at an early age to enter the golfing world.
Just like Florence Nightingale, she expressed to her parents the she would become a nurse and it raised eyebrows. Now, Florence was born into wealth and the thoughts of becoming a nurse were unheard of. Her father was disappointed in the decision she made but she persevered and developed nursing concepts that would be taught in nursing schools around the globe. Discipline, tenacity, and drive are key ingredients to begin the makings of a star quality person.
Wiktionary defines quality as the level of excellence it is determined by health, education and income. Now, this definition begins with health. A star quality person develops a healthy mind and avoids negativities by holding up the shield of faith that quenches every fiery dart. Education will increase the understanding and prepare it gives us the tools necessary to increase our leverage in all that we do. Equipping the saints with discernment and wisdom, I believe that the beginning wisdom is knowledge.
In order to improve in internet marketing, business knowledge is necessary. Better chooses are made in business when knowledge leads the way. Income is necessary here on earth. To increase streams of income we must have an understanding of stewardship. You can have all the money in the world but if you don’t know how to manage money, it will fly away like a bird.
A Star quality is achieved when you believe in yourself, prepare with education and, embracing a healthy mind. Equipping yourself with tools to move your business up a level, the challenge today examine yourselves and determine your star quality.
I leave you today with a quote from Bruce Lee Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential.
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee
Maximize your potential today become a star quality person leading the way.