Friday, August 3, 2012

Imaginary Life-Facing the opposition and winning

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder
August 2, 2012

An imaginary life-Living as a winner in the face of opposition

I have to tell you this year Olympics are wonderful.  The competition is fierce.  The anticipation of watching the next event is exciting. Many like me are staying up late just to see the Gold celebration. Competitors like Gabby Douglas, Missy Franklin, Schmidt, Phelps and 8 medals for the USA. Phelps won the 16th of his career. What a fantastic accomplishment.  This seems to be the one season when the world has come together for a common good cheering each other on. Imagine a life of a winner.

Winning doesn’t come easy, one must focus, train and imagine “that which is unseen as if it is seen.”  The opposition of defeat is not an option.  Going for the Gold is what is desired.  Children from all over the world will be flipping; running, swimming and rowing building their images of success until it manifest, and come true. Living like a winner is truly an honor. This year the Olympics are the most exciting night ever. Let the games begin.  Clary from our own backyard Riverside, took the swim met by storm.  He received gold what an exciting event. How does the opposition steal dreams of success?
              Telling you, it cannot be done
  •   There is not enough money to send you
  •  You are not good enough      
  •   That could not be what you should do
  •   You mean little girl/man up the street no way
  •  It won’t work

These are not the best responses to dreams of success. The challenge of competition and warring off the opposition could lead to defeat if your imaginary life is stifled by others.  Going for your dreams whether it is business ownership, athletic adventures and competition, building an empire, whatever you decide to do just do it and remove all obstacles that will hinder, slow down or turn your directions. Fight for your dreams by pursuing them full force.  Anticipate obstacles, and plan around them.  Get prepared for the challenge and meet it head on. 

Facing the opposition head on is the answer, pushing forward with your dreams and going for the gold.  Can you image your life in five years from now? If you cannot sit a moment and stimulate your imagination dream while you are awake, see your business thriving and growing.  Take a good look at your opposition and refused to be defeated.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-imagining an empire that is immovable.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Looking into the Future-Hey Dagwood wait up

                                                         Blondie On A Budget (1940)

                 Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go –T.S. Eliot

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder
July 21, 2012
                Marcus Annaeus Seneca a man bore of wealth back in the Roman days 54 BC-ca. 39 AD. Seneca was a rhetorician and writer.  He states, “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficulty.

Interesting quote on daring to think something is difficult.  The struggle between what we think and what we do cause people to not take risk.  Maintaining a safe-haven is not always the best answer.  Business is risky.  But, you dare to think that it is difficult and dare not to pursue the business avenue. Enabling your future limits your ideas, talents and support from others.  Peak around the corner see your future.  Are you having difficulty meeting life’s twist and turns? Dare to meet the difficulty head on.  Whether you were born into wealth or poverty dreams still come true.   Remember the cartoon Blondie and Dagwood? Could you imagine Dagwood making sure he had enough to meet the expenses of his family?  Here is a funny clip “when Blondie on a Budget (1940).

A neighbor asked Dagwood to join the Trout Club the membership was 200 dollars.  Dagwood had difficulty discussing this request with Blondie.  Blondie wanted a fur coat.  She felt it was quite unfair for Dagwood to join the Trout Club and she not receive a fur coat.  Dagwood’s old girlfriend arrives with a fur coat and Blondie became jealous.  Blondie dreamed of a fur coat.  Dagwood dreamed of joining the Trout Club.  Both had dreams that exceeded their budget. Dagwood then receives a phone call from a contest Blondie entered. The gentlemen on the phone informs Dagwood, he had won 200 dollars.  The fur coat cost 185 dollars.  

What in the world you have done?  Dagwood took the money and purchased Blondie her dream fur coat.  He forfeited his desire to fulfill his own need. Little did he know that Blondie had budgeted for the 200 dollars Dagwood needed to join the Trout Club.  By the way the Trout club was damaged and would cost 7500 dollars to repair.   Sometimes we must dare to do the thing we dare is difficult.  It may even mean placing others before us.  When we do this life has a funny way of replenishing that which was given.   Business can be cruel, challenging and difficult.  But, what adventure is not? Blondie and Dagwood had some challenging times, but they made a decision to embrace them together.  Life little challenges makes it all worth living.

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I'm Carolyn Coleman-Grady-I dare you to make a difference in your life. Making life a comic strip

Monday, July 16, 2012

Alzheimer's Disease-Devastating effects on millions

Alzheimer's-Part 1

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

July 16, 2012

Alzheimer's expert predict over the next five years 16 million Americans are expected to develop  Alzheimer's.

 Legislative bill proposals have been introduce to the Food Drug Administrative department in hope that a plan of action is developed to promote needed treatment.  Health care providers are developing strategies to ensure that those living with Alzheimer receive adequate medical treatment, drug therapy, and quality care.  Question still remains regarding the primary cause of Alzheimer, what are the early onset symptoms of Alzheimer’s, and which treatments are most effective.
The focus on Alzheimer’s care is important to the health care industry because of the projected growth of Americans living with Alzheimer’s over the next five years.  The lack of funding in the area of research could cause an adverse effect on the growing Alzheimer’s population.  The need for advocacy support on local, state and federal levels is important to the care and management of this aggregate group.   The health care industry clinicians are interested in ensuring safe care, fair distribution of funding to care-providing-facilities, and educational training.
The Alzheimer’s Association has made great strides to promote awareness, provide patient and family support, and lobby for research associated with new drug therapies.  Legislation has announced the new enactment by the Food Drug Administration Innovation Act of 2012.  The Innovation Act, signed by President Obama, will support Alzheimer’s research efforts to reduce number of people affected by this disease.   The following questions will help health care clinicians understand the needs of these aggregates:

1.      What are the causes of Alzheimer’s?
2.      What are the early onset symptoms of Alzheimer’s?
3.      What are the treatments of Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s care and management requires educations.  Families and groups need interventions that support adequate management.  Health care providers are instrumental in facilitating support through Alzheimer’s Associations and focus groups and developing programs for Alzheimer’s caregivers.

In five years, that 16 million people will be affected by this devastating disease.  Health care professionals interested will increase in the following areas: interventions, management and treatment.  Health care Providers, play an integral part in establishing educational programs that will support and train on prevention care of this aggregate group.  It is important that the health care industry coordinate with resources such as the Alzheimer’s Association.  Because of the concerted effort of the Alzheimer’s Association, the FDA has implemented plans to help in the management of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

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I am Carolyn Coleman-Grady- Looking into the future

Monday, June 25, 2012

Internet Marketing with Pizzaz

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder
June 24, 2012

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude
Thomas Jefferson.
What does it mean to have the right attitude?  Attitude, beliefs and values often play a role in our decisions making.  5 important attitudes to have when building a home based business.
1.       Belief
2.       Confidence
3.       Eliminate Fear
4.       Act
5.       Innovative
Mohammad Ali once said “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Mohammad Ali

This quote is significant butterfly’s take off smoothly they glide through the air then has a fantastic landing.  Thy never know what awaits them and yet they move through territories unfamiliar with confidence. Confidence and competency link together.  Competency, how many times have you visited a store or shopping mall and you asked the floor clerk were an item is located?  They point to a direction causing you to ask down there? And the clerk says yes or states, I’m not sure and disappears.  This is so disappointing.  I would rather have someone who says “I’m not sure where it is located but, lets’ look together.  Confidence and competency vital to the success to internet marketing

Believing in your-self is very important.  The success of a business takes tenacity, and self-motivation.  To move your business from one level to another it is recommended that you remain focus, and develop the drive to continue each day.    I received a call today from an associate a young man building his Network Marketing business, very excited about his new business venture; he shared the particulars with me and asked if I had any questions.  This young man’s excitement, drive and motivation stirred me up and I became excited for him.    He talked so fast sharing all he could get in about his business.  The joy of the call came from his self-confidence and motivation.   We must believe and have confident in what we are doing.  Confidence keeps you focused and on track. 

Eliminating fear is a challenge that we’ve faced or facing right now.  Fear will prevent one from exploring their options.  Fear will tell you this is too hard and cannot be done.  Fear will cause one to put the idea and dreams on hold.  Fear will cause your Internet marketing business to fold now that fear has miscalculated and fear got it wrong.  When fear rises speak to fear and move it from the focus of your business.
 Act on your dreams, be innovative, creative ideas that bring joy to your heart but also have potential to bring residual income to you and your family.  Remember, believe, have confidence, delete fear, act on your dreams and develop creative innovation.  Business is a challenge; turn your challenges into a successful venture.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012

90-Day Challenge

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder
90-Day Challenge 

Advance training on better web builder

I want to share with you how to use better web builder with an existing business

These tools can be used to grow any business. It is for the expert and or the novice.

There are certain tools that can help you do expand your business:

1.       Personal Websites

2.       Customizable

3.       Capture Pages

4.       Product pages

5.       Emailing system

6.       Blogging

7.       Auto-responder

8.       7 level pay plan

9.       Product packages

a.       Silver

b.      Bronze

c.       Gold

d.      Platinum

Less than 1 dollar per day you just need to pick a position.

Novice or Internet Pro could use one complete package.

Step one- Getting started –pick a position there are advantages with picking up one of the packages. But you may use these free tools for life. Tools and resources are 100 percent tax free. There is great earning potential.

Once you have decided to pick a position, go through your check list located in your business manager. Follow the check list step by step.  One of the advantages of this business is your ability to customize and create your website using better web builder tools. Putting together a game plan will help you generate the revenue you need.

Step 2- Remind yourself why you joined and what motivates you to do the business.  Many times we join businesses because we have a need.  I’m wired with motivation today.  My goal is to speak with 2 to people every day.  When you get enough of what you are doing, it will motivate you to take the journey.  The winning achiever takes action every day.

Taking actions doing something positive every day working consistently on your business every day does make a difference. Starting point at the line, stretching it out and watch your lines go miles and miles apart toward success. Each little bit everyday makes a difference. It is easy to do. But it is also not easy to do. We have to have a daily commitment.  The winning achievers do something every day taking actions.  90 day challenge doing something new. The fortune is in the follow up.  If they are not interested it is ok.  The best tool in building a business is reaching for the hammer you best strategy.

Step 3-Never quite the only people that loose in network marketing are those that quite. Don’t attend your business webinar showing up is very important it vital to your success.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Creating a journey you’d love to take.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mentor-Mentoring pick a part my brain part 2

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. 
John C. Crosby 

Each of us needs a good listening ear, a push in the right direction and a brain to pick.  Don’t you agree?  Direction, many of us use some type of navigational system such as MapQuest.  This tool pulls up directions to a particular place.  When we input the information, map populates directions.  Sometimes it is right on target and others times it will lead you the wrong way.  Mentoring is similar.  A mentor pushes you to the right directs.  But, just like the navigational system, what you provide to the mentor will determine whether the right directions are given.

Giving the right directors means you know your objective, goals and strategies.  The mentor will assist you, guide and encourage you.  For example, I’m a Registered Nurse who happens to love Network Marketing.  My goal is to create opportunities for people who are looking for an Internet marketing business.  The strategies I use include advertising, blogging, videos, and quotes.  I pick the brain of my mentor quite often, but I also call just to check in.  I believe this is important.  Checking in to say hello enhances the relationship.
Mentors have a good listening ear.  Mentors are ready to assist your growth.  They are encourager's and take pleasure in watching you succeed.  In nursing mentors and preceptors differ.  Preceptors, train, demonstrate and guide your performance. 

 Preceptors ensure that a nurse is equipped to manage patient care in a particular setting.  Mentors on the other had push and guide the goals you have set up to advance.  For example, I’m interested in decreasing the readmission rate of chronically ill patients with Congestive Heart Failure.  The mentor I have for this area is an advance MSN (Masters of Science in Nursing).  She is guiding and pushing my goals, objectives and strategies.  I’m a MSN student at this time and need mentoring by an expert in the field of nursing.

On the other hand, I also have a mentor for business.  My mentor has over 20 plus years in network marketing, has a listening ear, allows me to pick her brain and advises me in the direction that I have chosen.
Mentors are expert in the field.  Like MapQuest, if the wrong information is imputed then the directions provide just might take you off course.  Strategies organization and plan before meeting your mentor are important.  Let the work will begin to your success.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Willing to listen and grow

Friday, May 11, 2012

A recipe for a successful leader

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

A recipe for a successful leader

A core promise: Leaders go with or ahead of so as to show the way, to guide. Leaders are responsible and show accountability. A leader is not afraid to answer. Harmony is necessary to bridge gaps between unity and comfort. It produces a coming together. Leaders have the ability to connect by bringing others together colleagues, family and friends, connecting makes you feel apart of something and others.

A leader is sterling conforming to the highest standards. A sense of quality in the work produces and shared with others. Leaders have passion, true caring about other professionals and desire to motivate one another. Respect is an esteem and admiration granted to someone worthy of high regard; consideration given to others. Leaders take ownership and accept responsibilities and are committed to the task.

Morale is important to the teams, there is need of well-being a mutual sense of positive interaction between one another. One of the most important characteristics of a leader is integrity to do the right thing even when no one is watching. Leaders have skills a high degree of training or knowledge within a particular realm, professionalism. Leaders empower grant the authority to make decisions and control one's own destiny.
These core values are the recipe for successful leadership. 

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Inspiring others 
Terri Pattio-Mentoring Heart

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hungry-You got to be hungry

I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames.
Les Brown

Hoop of flames will not stop me from taking a running leap with vigor, strength and tenacity.  Let me encourage you today take a leap of faith and run through the inconveniences of life with purpose.  Les Brown one of the greatest motivators stated, “You got to be hungry.”  What are you hungry for today?
I know you awaken this morning and said, “I don’t want to work for anyone else,” I desire my own home-based business, I want to travel the world, only if I had enough money, and time.  These are statements we’ve all made in some shape of form.  What are you hungry for?  If you could change the course of your life, which direction would you travel?

It is important to identify your needs, set a goal and take action, get moving make steps to improve your current situation.  Inconvenience comes every day.The inconvenience of computer crashing, system too slow, cell phone minutes to low, cell phone charges to high, the bank wouldn't cash your check or the check has not arrived yet.  How about the line is too long and I have a meeting.  We could go on with the inconveniences of life but, they are just that inconveniences that temporarily stall our lives.

Les Brown put it the best, put your dreams into action, live your dream, say the dream and then get hungry.  If Bill Gates was not hungry he would not be who he is today, what about Art and Rob Phelps if they did not get hungry to create a business that works on line no one would know about their contribution to online marketing.  Warren Buffet a business magnet. I’m sure you may think of many. What about you?  How are you leaping through the hoops of fire? Are you leaping in fear? Tip toeing to the hoop and peeking into the hoop saying, I’m not ready yet? Taking a running start as fast as you can but then something causes you to stop? Did you put thought to it while running?  How many times do you hear, don’t go through that hoop it is not for you.  Let me leave you with this Get Hungry and leap with vigor, strength and tenacity
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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-I’m motivated, innovative and leaping, come leap with me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

Happy Cinco de Mayo                                               

Cinco de Mayo Spanish for “fifth of May” is a celebration held on May 5.  It is celebrated nationwide in the United States and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla, where the holiday is called El Dia de la Batalla de Puebla (English: The Day of the Battle of Puebla).  The date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War.  In the state of Puebla, the date is observed to commemorate the Mexican army’s unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin.  Contrary to widespread popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico’s Independence Day-the most important nation patriotic holiday in Mexico which is actually celebrated on September 16th (,

Cinco de Mayo has come to represent a celebration of the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America.
Joe Baca.

Reading about this war on Mexico I discovered it begins with the issue of money and debt.  A debt to be owed to the states unable to pay put Mexico in to battle.  They were destroyed by the USA and it left them in financial distress.   The French wanted payment as well so they thrust forward in to battle with Mexico.  The intent at the time was to divide the USA.  Mexico’s leader sent his troops into battle and sent the French running off the coast.  This was a victory and they celebrate the defeat since 1862.

If you think about it our own personal wars are usually related around debt.   It seems like a never ending battle.  What is so wonderful about this battle, our beliefs that it will come to an end. Implementing strategic planning and taking care of one debt at a time will decrease your debt and point you to freedom.  ”Debt Free,” Isn’t this great news? I sure thank so.  There are many things to celebrate today and it begins with Freedom.

Happy Cinco de Mayo wishing each and every one who celebrates with a purpose to acknowledge the accomplishment of the masses who have contributed to your existence in a special way today just might be the road to a debt free life.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-A celebratory event

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Painting-A picture of self-esteem

                                                     Earl Nightingale The Essence of Success

Painting-A picture of self-esteem removing a restrictive attitude
The picture you paint for yourself is it true.  Are you forming a mental image of yourself when you worry about yourself, failure and concentrate on failure you will fail and get sick what has happened you have concentrated on the failure so intently?
1.      Forgive others with no strings attached forgive every person clean the slate absolutely clean the slate for your sake and your own peace of mind. We don’t hurt others when we hold grudges against others it can lead to serious illness. If you can-not take this first step you can forget the rest you have not grown up yet.
2.      Forgive yourself see  yourself with kind eyes try to completely rid yourself of all the embarrassment you’ve suffered the pain you’ve had in the past and mistakes you’ve made in the past wipe clean the slate  look in the mirror and practice this blame does not help it is a destructive emotion see your-self at your best.
3.      See yourself at your best as Doctor Maxwell Moss put it, we can start the day with confidence or frustration take your pick. The intelligent thing to do is to pick confidence if at all possible there are bad days but it is better to start your day with confidence mood than a mood of frustration.
4.      Keep up with yourself don’t worry about what others are doing or what others have done or have. keep your pace it is different than the pace of others it is faster than some and slower than others forget the Jones and don’t fill guilty for moving ahead of some of your contemporary the person who deliberately   hold himself down to a slower pace just to be with the gang is a fool. Live your own life.  Don’t be too concern about how others are living their lives, live your life. Know thyself.  

Doctor Maxwell Moss and Earl Nightingale discussed self-esteem method and practicing techniques that will improve our attitude. Developing self-destructive behaviors can be changed.  We are not all the most intelligent, and smart we have weakness but they should not direct what we think or fell about ourselves.  We have deep reservoirs of talent develop them.  If you spend your life mimicking the talents of others you will not live your own life.

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Retrieved the 4 points from Earl Nightingale
Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Surpassing the image of self. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Seeds-Growth of a simple seed

 Seeds-Growth of a simple seed
Carolyn Coleman-Grady

Better Web Builder

Seeds-Growth of a simple seed

Actions are the seed of fate deeds grow into destiny.
Harry S. Truman

Action is defined as a habitual or usual acts; conduct; He is responsible for his actions. Energetic activity: A man of action (

What kind of seeds are you spreading? Seeds that are sown on good ground produce; you know the scripture that speaks to the parable of the sower.  “And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable: a sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodded down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.  And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.  And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.  And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bared fruit a hundredfold.  And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear let him hear.”  (Luke 8:-4-8) 

The seeds were planted, watered, warmed by the sun and grew. This is how our relationships should grow.  Relationships should develop through germination. It is a beginning of a process of development.  The relationship must germinate until it blossoms. Germination is an embryo inside the seed.  Relationships begin as an embryo, learning to trust the seed during the development.  The embryo develops a safe environment during that growth.  It does not have to worry about drying out, disconnecting and/or isolating from the seed.  The seed is nourished through watering. 

It is important to know what kind of seed you are sowing.  If you are sowing dishonest seeds look for dishonest seeds to germinate inside. Seeds of mistrust germinated distrusting blooms. Seeds of faith, courage, honesty, kindness and fairness germinate and duplicate growing into beautiful flowers of all kinds.  Examine the seeds you are dropping each day it may just grow thorns that will prick your finger and choke the few good seeds you’ve planted.

Seeds of discord, we’ve all planted a seed or two but cut these seeds at the root and destroy the tie that binds them.  Sow seeds that are rooted in faith, strong enough to protect other seeds.  The germination process you start from the very beginning will determine the flower that blooms in the spring.  Planting and sowing, fertilizing and caring for each seed you drop will feed those who come behind you.

Prepare your grown and seed each section carefully, protecting them with goodness and mercy each, and everyday watch them grown in a strong way. “Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be” Marcus Aurelius.

Business germinates in the beginning it is all over the palace until it becomes consistent and habitual, and a routine develops.  It is like a child that takes his/her first step, stumbling, and leaning. Internet marketing takes time to develop.  It is the embryo that is surrounded by a germinating seed.  Once it is ready to produce it will. It takes time to develop the skills of Internet marketing but with patients and understanding your seed will grow in leaps and bounds. Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be Marcus Aurelius. Plan your seed in good ground and expect to harvest in due season.
Many people do not expect the harvest.  They plan seeds and water them faithfully but do not believe that the harvest is coming.  We often become concern about what is to come and it brings doubt in our hearts and mind.  We must believe in the unexpected.  Expect the harvest and trust that God will help you grow and reap the benefits.  We must continue to work and labor in our business.  Giving up is not an acceptable option.  I say acceptable option because it is an option.
Choosing the best ground, surrounding yourself with other sower who believes that the harvest is coming is important to you.  Declare today that the harvest is coming and be prepare to reap the benefit.  While you wait in great expectation, share you good news with others.  Let them know what you are waiting for.  Get involve with the vision and see the seeds germinate into something beautiful.

Be patient and remember what you has begun is the beginning of ties to the future of your family.  Stay connected to the original vision.  Marcus Aurelius said, “Everything that exists in a manner the seed of that which will be.” The seed is intended to grow.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Germinating Seeds that grow

Monday, April 16, 2012

Step it up- Caught up in the rat race Part 3

Carolyn Coleman-Grady
Better Web Builder

Step it up-Caught up in the rat race
Part 3

Self- Effacing
In part 2 we discussed how Glasow thinking abilities afforded him a 60 year business as an American Humorist bringing joy to the world through humor.  Glasow is also known for self-effacing.  Self-effacing is one who keeps in the background, usually modest and tends not to drawn attention to themselves (

Glasow love to give of himself.  For 93 years up until he passed away he remind loyal to his followers.  In part 2 it was stated he wrote his first book at age 90.  This speaks to his passion and drive.  To write a book at age 90 says a lot.  Many of our elderly population develop thinking processes which suggest “I’m done, old and who will need me, there is nothing else for me to do.”

Wrong attitude it is a new beginning another chapter of your life.  One way to begin your new life is starting a home-based business.  Get involve with your community, assist an activity director in the local senior center.  If you don’t have health challenges that interfere with your involvement step it up and keep moving.  Having a generous spirit means inside your heart and soul you have the compassion to help others.  Giving of your-self in forms that help others succeed.

Generous Spirit
God is so generous to us.  He gives us the spirit of generosity and wants us to utilize it by being motivated into action.   We all live off his generous bounty, gift after gift after gift John 1:16.
The gifts given to us should be used to edify and build each other.  The gift of generosity is one gift we need.  In our current businesses we all give free products and services.  This is to help new affiliates get started.  An important concept to remember involves follow up.

I received an email from a new affiliate that stated the following: “Thank you for your email welcoming me to the business, often no one ever gets back or call.”  Wow, I thought.  Follow up is very important and a necessary method in business.

A generous spirit  develops a humble heart, and promotes kindness.  These are qualities to embrace.  It is very difficult to work with others who lack humility, kindness and are always angry.  In addition to a generous spirit is patient’s.  We all struggle with patients.  My mentor brought this out on one of our session.  During the instructions, I had demonstrated an impatient moment towards myself because I was not getting what was taught.  A mentoring heart Terri Pattio said calmly “Be patient you are learning.”  These simple words settled my anxiety and allowed me to refocus, and hear the instructions.

Often times in our daily activities something triggers an anxious moment.  It is very important to reduce anxiety and increase patients so learning can take place.  Tug yourself and take a step back, look clearly at that which is causing anxiety and change the behavior immediately.  Why? Because you’ll need to keep focused.

Glasow ignored the spot light.  He remained in the background and yet made an impact on the lives of many.  In our Internet marketing business we can make an impact too by sharing, giving and helping others. Don't be surprise when your generosity returns to you in an awesome way.

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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Step it up-Caught up in the rat race

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Step it up- Caught up in the rat race Part 2

Step up-Caught up in the rat race

Part 2
Glasow’s quote wowed the world.  He spoke on setting your-self on fire not literally but your thoughts, and actions.  When we are on fire people are ignited.  When the fire goes out so will our connections.  
In the part 1 we just heard the results of a photo finish.  The winners step up the stairs trying to avoid the rat race to the pay-off cage while the horse, jockey and owner take pictures of the winning horse.  What an exciting day for those who bet their wages and the owner.  As the day wines down and the stands clear the training begins again to ignite the fire needed to win again.

 His first book written at age 90

Glasow wrote his first book at age 90.  Remember his business wowed the world over 60 years.  Can you image the challenges he faced?  This is why we continue to focus on the dream, and not the work it takes to achieve the dreams.  This suggests as we mature in age there are still lots to do.
Glasow remained on fire until he passed away at age 93.  What a wonderful story. 
What has humor got to do with it?  Everything, humor should be a part of our lives.  Even when difficult times hit the steps of your door.  Difficulty runs down the stairs when humor hits the door so laugh a lot.  Remember the story of the tortious and the hare?  The hare knew in his mind that the tortious was slow, would never make it so he just messed around, frolicking around teasing and poking at the tortious and he lost the race.  The tortious won because he stayed on course and did not let the distractions of the know it all hare disrupt his steps.  It is a funny story and children all over the world laugh.

Steve Harvey a well- known comedian loves old school music.  In the Kings of Comedy he alludes to an old song Lenny Williams “Cause, I love you” he compared the songs of today with the songs of old.  His presentation of this era was so funny he had the audience wowed because of the memories.  He ignited the memories of many of us who followed Lenny Williams ‘songs.  As the song is played Steven Harvey gives an electrifying posturing that caused the audience to scream with wows.  People need humor and the business you promote will find them ignite them with laughter. 
Glasow was a thinker he believed in his work and wanted to share his humor corner with the world.  He paved the way nationally until it was accepted and now called upon.  We must be thinker also promoting links and sharing business are good methods but to wow people a concept unique to your business is necessary.  The methods you use could be in the form of videos, blogging, advertising, or an auto-responder voice mail message.  Choose a method that works for your business.  Thinkers evaluate the targeted audience, and then tailor their business presentation to meet the needs.  When speaking to prospects have a pen or pencil available and jot down key words stated by the prospect.  This will help you remain engaged.  Put on your thinking cap before you make contact.

What I love about Glasow is his ability to bring the best out of people through humor what a wonderful concept.  Thinkers step up the stairs and out run the rat race. Look for part 3
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Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Stepping up above the rat race.

Step it up-Caught up in the rat race

Success isn’t a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. ~Arnold H. Glasow
Arnold H. Glasow was an American Humorist who lived in Fond-du-lac Wisconsin. Born in 1905 and died at the age of 93 in 1998. Glasow work began with an idea. His business was a humor magazine that he marketed to firms nationally, which firms would turn into their “house organ” to send to customers. He carried on this business for over 60 years, publishing his first book at age 92. The book is titled, “Glasow’s Gloombusters,” one of many in his career. He was cited frequently in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, the Chicago Tribune and many other major organs.  He was a regular contributor to the humor sections of Reader’s Digest.  sixty years of productive work.  A real American thinker, self-effacing and generous of spirit, he shunned the national spotlight (
Several points in Glasow’s quotes caught my interest:
1.      You must set yourself on fire
2.      His first book written at age 90
3.      People love humor
4.      He was a thinker
5.      Self-effacing
6.      Generous spirit
7.      He ignored the spotlight

Setting your-self on fire
We are all familiar with the word fire its’ hot and will move people quickly.  The flames last for a long time.  His analogy of setting your-self on fire does not mean take a match and light your-self I felt the need to clarify this statement.  It means get worked up, excited, and motivated.

In the beginning of a horse race fans making wages, talking to one another about their famous favorite horse, the race begins and the stands are full with people cheering their horse and jockey on.  When the race ends and there is need for a photo finish.  When the results come in the winners cheer and tickets are tossed up in the air by the losers.  As the winners make their way up the steps to the ticket booth laughter is heard across the stands.  The winners go and collect their winnings. 

Down below on the track the jockey, owner and horse take photos, the horse is adorned with a beautiful wreath, and the race develops a new beginning another race.  The business you currently own fire it up and maintain that fire with excitement, discussions on its progression and share your dreams.  This will keep the fire lit.  Just in case it dies down start the fire again and step it up.  

Stay tune to part two of this blog: join my blog
Carolyn Coleman-Grady-Step it up

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Activity-The Business Scene

Many activities and team play participation will give you a training that will prove invaluable later on in life.
Walter Annenberg

Good morning everyone Carolyn Coleman-Grady here I thought like this quote the word activities and team play are the words that popped out for me today.  Walter Annenberg a Philanthropic. He has multiple attributes.  The one attribute that interest me today is his giving heart.  He is known for giving more than $ 2 billion cash over the years according to Christopher Ogden ( He had multiple talents and was respected by many. Walter Annenberg died at the age of 94.  
Giving is so important in business. 

Customers look for perks.  For example when grocery shopping the cash registered kicks out coupons these coupons are in anticipation of your return. Restaurants now offering twenty dollar meals for two they realize there are many other restaurants you could choose to dine in so restaurants, stores and advertisers have developed creative ways to draw your business back to theirs.

I believe it is significant to advertise and promote your business, but giving away services to promote people is equally important. Meeting the needs of others means there are times when giving something free is the answer.  In today’s economy people are struggling daily to meet their needs.  It is our opportunities that they are looking for.  Providing an avenue of changes is important.  Helping others break the cycle of living from pay check to pay check. This will require changed thinking.

The activities we provide should include teaching, promoting, providing information that is clear, detailed and organized.  When perspective prospects visit business sites they are looking for opportunities.  If the page they’ve visited is lacking comprehensible information expect them to move on.  Each of us has different learning styles and intelligence.  It is important that we promote our activities with the learners in mind.  There are those who learn through music, kinetics, written and mathematics.  We have those who learn through videos and audiotapes.  Which every the style of learning it is our responsibility to provide it for the prospect.

Promoting your business in a language that only you understand only benefits you but providing clear, detailed comprehensible information about your business will benefit everyone. Giving of yourself freely to ensure that everyone involved in your business understands the concepts you’ve provided is important.  It makes you a better team player.
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Carolyn Coleman-Grady